How Do I Write a Good Comment?

In the video above, kids a lot younger than any of us give good advice!

Posting comments on blog posts you read is considered internet courtesy. Here are some tips:

  1. Compliment the writer in a specific way on the content of the post you read.
  2. Ask a question and/or add new information to the post.
  3. Never use personal information like a last name on a comment.
  4. When posting comments observe the following protocol:
  • Use proper English
  • Refrain from using text language and shortcuts
  • Respect other opinions and use sentence starters such as: I respectfully disagree, you make a good point, I support………….
  • These blogs are for academic purposes, so please respect our intentions: refrain from the profane!

5. Focus carefully on the outcomes for the assignment and look for those features. Does the writer have images? Captioned correctly? Attractive page layout? Good use of superstructure? Quality content? Unbearably long text blocks? And my favorite: Did the student actually do the assignment?

Image: by Ped-X-Ing via Creative Commons
Image: by Ped-X-Ing via Creative Commons. I found this image on a very interesting blog post called “How to Write a Good Blog Comment” by Nathan Bransford


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